Why You Shouldn’t Use Fake Reviews For SEO

Fake reviews, while tempting, aren’t the answer to your lack of site interaction. Aside from being a dishonest way to let your potential customers know about your goods and services, it hurts your engagement and is considered bad SEO practices. It is tempting, however, because we know that Google (but more importantly people) take social indicators and …

The Better Way To Blog

Blogging is tough! The hours are long, the information is difficult to come by, and your work isn’t panning out like you’ve hoped. Still, blogging is important. You probably already know that Google and other search engines rank longer, in-depth content higher than others. This study done by Neil Patel shows that the content length for a web …

Beginner’s Guide to SEO

Hi! I created this guide to be a resource to you do-it-yourselfers out there or for those who just want to know a bit more about the SEO world until they get their hands dirty or hire someone to do it for them. I hope you find it a quick & easy read with some …

What Is SEO?

SEO, as a blanket term, can be roughly broken down into three categories: On-Site SEO (crawlability) – This is how easily navigable your site is to search engines (and to users). Performing On-Site SEO involves taking a look at your site’s architecture and content to assess if the appropriate methodology is in place. This involves things …

How to A/B Test for SEO

A/B testing (or multivariate testing) is good practice to determine which aspects of your site need tweaking. But running multiple versions of a website can get you out of Google’s good graces (mainly because serving up different versions of the same page to different users has, in years past, been used for nefarious SEO purposes). …

How To Add Google Analytics To Your WordPress Website

Video Transcript: “Hi Everyone, Hudson Hornick here. Today I want to talk to you about something that every marketer or small business owner should know how to do, and that’s how to install a bit of code into your website. This is very useful knowledge because it gives you familiarity with accessing your hosting files, …

What is A/B Testing?

Quite simply, SearchEngineWatch said it best here: Over the past decade, the power of A/B testing has become an open secret of high-stakes web development. It’s now the standard (but seldom advertised) means through which Silicon Valley improves its online products. Using A/B, new ideas can be essentially focus-group tested in real-time: Without being told, a fraction …

How To Add Geo-Location To Your Photos For SEO

Geo-location tagging is one of the best ways to help your site be found locally. Local search is a nuanced subset of SEO, but it’s becoming increasingly important for businesses that want to rank well at the local level. Why Geo-tag? Geo-tagging may seem like one more hiccup on the road to search engine optimization, but in reality, it …

Free Images To Use On Your Blog

As a newbie blogger it can be hard to get some good images without spending a fortune. Stock photography adds up quickly and though you’d love to pay a photographer for his/her work, you can hardly justify the price – just for a blog, right? And we all know that blogging and content marketing is important, so …